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Bridging Differences

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Sebuah Hari Penuh Syukur Bagi LCF!

By On 1:33 AM
Sebuah hari yang penuh syukur bagi keluarga besar LCF.

Dengan ditetapkannya SK Menteri Hukum dan HAM perihal pengesahan badan hukum bagi Little Circle Foundation (Yayasan Lingkaran Kecil) tertanggal 9 Desember 2014. Maka sejak tanggal tersebut di atas LCF telah memiliki status hukum yang sah berdasarkan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia.
LCF hendak mengucapkan rasa terima kasih kepada semua sahabat LCF yang telah membantu tumbuh kembangnya LCF sampai saat ini. Semoga dengan dicapainya milestone ini LCF dapat semakin memberikan kontribusi positifnya untuk kebaikan kita semua dan Indonesia.
Terima kasih!
Volunteers, lets celebrate!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

LCF Sticker, Poster and more

By On 7:04 PM
Hi everyone!

Berikut LCF menyertakan dua format sticker LCF, Poster dan selebaran lainnya yang bisa kawan-kawan print sendiri. Caranya gampang banget, tinggal beli kerta sticker di toko perlengkapan sekolah terdeket lalu print deh!

Ingat sebarkan ya. Terima kasih!

Download LCF Sticker 1 DISINI!

Download LCF Sticker 2 DISINI!

LCF Flyer

LCF Poster

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Computer Course

By On 2:06 AM
LCF is grateful to receive donation in the form of 2 laptops from one of our dedicated and loyal benefactors Ms. Mita. We will use these laptops to help LCF's students to understand how to use technology in the positive way as well as to teach them the very basic computer skills.

In the future, we aspire to have enough laptops/computers, computer projectors and other computer-related devices to support our Computer Classes at LCF. We do hope that with these courses, LCF will be able to help students who residing in remote areas in Bali and Indonesia and never experience the use of basic technologies and social medias to know how technology can be very helpful to them and eventually to be connected with their future online friends from all around the world.

In its Computer Courses, LCF teaches computer skills to students using open source software. such as Ubuntu, Linux and Open Office, by using open source softwares, we hope that students will learn to respect Intellectual Property as well as to fight against the use of pirated softwares which is a common thing in Indonesia. 

NB: LCF would like to thanks Ms. Mita for this generous donations and encourage others to take part in helping this nation to have its awesome future.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Kak Mita (LCF Benefactor)

By On 8:20 PM

Patriani Paramita Mulia, S.H., LL.M

Mita resides primarily in Jakarta and Utrecht, the Netherlands. She is an Advocate at O.C. Kaligis & Associates and a PhD Candidate at Utrecht University School of Law and Economics. Mita also teaches at a number of institutions and universities. She obtained her degrees from Atma Jaya Jakarta and New York University School of Law, the USA. She has a passion in building a better Indonesia through various realistic ways possible. She particularly believes that good education is the key factor to advance the quality of the Indonesian young generation, which subsequently lead to the betterment of the general welfare of the Indonesian people. 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

LCF Mengajar 2nd Batch -- Visit our class room!

By On 7:44 PM

Bagi teman-teman yang ingin melihat bagaimana suasana belajar di LCF? Check out this video!

Little Circle Foundation is a non-profit organization focuses on improving the quality of education in Bali, Indonesia through knowledge sharing, volunteering and people empowerment. Support us here! https://www.facebook.com/littlecirclefoundation/
and visit our website at LittleCircleFoundation.org

Monday, September 29, 2014

LCF Mengajar 2nd Batch -- LCF Awesome Day!

By On 10:48 PM

Tidak terasa sudah tiga bulan lamanya LCF mengadakan kegiatan LCF Mengajar di Banjarangkan, Klungkung, Bali. Semua rangkaian tersebut diakhiri dengan acara LCF Awesome Day dimana para peserta dapat saling bertemu dan menampilkan kreativitas mereka. Sungguh hari yang sangat menyenangkan. See you kids!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Volunteer -- Andy Wijaya

By On 5:46 PM


Nama Lengkap                                    : I Putu Andy Wiranata Wijaya
Nama Panggilan                                  : Andy
Tempat, Tanggal Lahir                        : Surabaya, 30 Agustus 1992

Alamat Rumah                                    : Dusun Anjingan, Desa Getakan, Kecamatan  Banjarangkan, Kabupaten Klungkung.
No. Telp/Hp                                        : 087860075007
Pendidikan                                          : S1 Teknik Sipil Universitas Udayana (Semester 8)
Hobby                                                 : Futsal
Bahasa yang dikuasai                          : Bali, Indonesia, Inggris
Nama Orang tua                                  : I Nengah Yadnya Widiadnyana
Pekerjaan                                             : Wiraswasta
Tinggi dan berat badan                       : 170 cm/60 kg

Volunteer - Apdila Wirawan

By On 5:38 PM
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Udayana

Karir :
Lahir di Klungkung, 21 April 1992. Anak desa yang tumbuh dan berkembang di Desa Pakraman Koripan Tengah, Banjarangkan. Sempat mengenyam pendidikan dasar di SDN 3 Banjarangkan, kemudian berpindah ke SDN 1 Semarapura Kangin, melanjutkan di SMPN 2 Semarapura dan SMAN 1 Semrapura. Selama  menempuh pendidikan tinggi di FH Univ. Udayana pernah tergabung dalam Himpunan Komunitas Peradilan Semu Indonesia, Udayana Moot Court Community, Student Community for International Law, Asian Law Student Association. Mengikuti beberapa kompetisi Peradilan Semu Nasional, meraih Juara III Nasional pada Piala Prof. Soedarto III di Univ. Diponegoro, Semarang. Pernah mengikuti Legal Clinic dan sempat magang di Kejaksaan Negeri Gianyar  serta Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Bali. Tergabung dalam Court Monitoring KPK sejak tahun 2012 dan tahun 2013 sebagai Koordinator Mahasiswa sebagai pengawas sejumlah kasus-kasus korupsi di Bali. Saat ini bersama IWAS dkk mendirikan Yayasan Lingkaran Kecil serta Klinik Hukum untuk membantu masyarakat yang miskin dan awam hukum dalam mencari keadilan.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

LCF Mengajar -- Angkatan 2

By On 2:45 AM
If you love our previous video series, we believe that you will definitely love this one too!

Meet our 2nd Batch Students of LCF Mengajar at Banjarangkan, Bali, Indonesia!

Well, as usual they are so excited to get to know you, are you?

Enjoy the video and visit our official channel on Youtube and our website!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

LCF Scholarship

By On 6:00 PM
LCF Scholarship adalah program pemberian beasiswa kepada siswi/a Indonesia yang cemerlang namun memiliki keterbatasan ekonomi untuk dapat melanjutkan jenjang pendidikannya. Nantinya proses penentuan Scholar akan dilakukan melalui proses seleksi, baik secara akademis dan non-akademis. 

LCF berencana setiap tahunnya agar dapat memberikan 2 Scholarship kepada dua siswi/a, oleh karena itu LCF mengundang para donatur yang memiliki ketertarikan dengan program ini agar menghubungi LCF di littlecirclefoundation(at)gmail.com.


There is around 1186 students in Bali who cannot continue their education to the next level (most of them are elementary school students) because of financial reason. Their parents are simply too poor to able to send them to school.

With very little scholarhip opportunity available, Balinese young generations now really need our help to at least continue their study to senior high school level. With this campaign, my foundation and I would like to give scholarship to poor family in Bali who cannot send their kids to elementary - senior high school students. It is of course a very hard job to help these 1186 unlucky students. However, with this campaign's goal ($20,000) LCF would like to give scholarhips to 20 students as as short term goal.

Each scholar will be given around $1000. $500 will be given for them as school registration's fee (this is actually one of the main reasons why parents cannot send their kids schools), and the other $500 will be given later in the form of Book Allowance or Tuition Fees.

LCF is now rising fund for the ‪#‎teachAgirl‬ Project as part of the ‪#‎Nogirlleftbehind‬ Project. We are hoping to rise at least Rp. 25.000.000 to give scholarships for girls having financial disadvantages to go to school and to keep them pursuing their dreams.
Sebagai bagian dari #teachAgirl dan #Nogirlleftbehind project. LCF sekarang sedang melakukan penggalan dana minimal Rp.25.000.000 yang nantinya akan digunakan untuk memberikan beasiswa untuk anak perempuan Indonesia agar dapat melanjutkan pendidikan dan terus mengejar impiannya.

Please contact us at littlecirclefoundation(at)gmail(dot)com for more info.


By On 5:55 PM
Berikut adalah daftar nama Donatur dan jenis donasi yang diberikan selama tahun 2014:

Buku Anti Korupsi

By On 5:52 PM
Program Buku Anti Korupsi merupakan program hasil kerjasama antar LCF dengan Komisi Pemberantasn Korupsi (KPK). Dengan adanya program ini sudah lebih dari 700 eksemplar buku pendidikan anti korupsi diserahkan ke SD, SMP, SMA maupun pemerintahan Desa yang tersebar di Bali. 

Sanggar LCF

By On 5:47 PM
Preserving the Balinese Traditional Musics by teaching them to Balinese young generations.

Short Summary

Hi everyone,
My name is Alit Sudarsana, I am the president of Little Circle Foundation (LCF). With this campaign we are determined to help preserving Balinese culture, in particular the Balinese Traditional music called "Gong Kebyar." In the era of globalization, Bali as an international tourist destination faces a complex and difficult problem. Especially with regard to preserving its own culture. Nowadays, young people are more engaged and interested with western and pop cultures. And by definition less and less Balinese is interested in the beauty of Balinese cultures, which actually the center and core of Balinese tourism, especially the Balinese traditional music. Beside globalization, the cost of a full set of Balinese Traditional Music is so expensive, one full set of Balinese Traditional Music could cost more than $20,000. This fact also contribute in making it harder to encourage Balinese young people in preserving its culture, because it is not affordable for them and also their schools.
In order to raise awareness of Balinese young generations in the importance of preserving its culture not only for the tourism but alsp for the sake of its traditions, LCF is now raising funds to eventually buy a full set of Balinese traditional Music (Gong Kebyar). After making the purchase, LCF will be then teaching Balinese youngsters how to play the traditional music and eventually helping them to preserve it.
A little bit about my Foundation, Little Circle Foundation is a non-profit organization focuses on improving the quality of education in Bali, Indonesia through knowledge sharing, volunteering and people empowerment.

LCF now has more than 200 students in Bali, Indonesia. We are teaching elementary to senior high students in Bali. We are also conducting training for teachers in Klungkung, Bali, developing our legal clinic program, LCF Scholarship,  and many other programs to encourage young people to take part in the betterment of Indonesia and the World.

What We Need & What You Get

In essence, what we need is to raise fund above $20,000 in order to buy a full set of Balinese Traditional music, and the rest (around $5,000) will be used to build a practice room and for maintenance.

What will you get? If you are Balinese you will be helping your community by preserving its culture. If you are not a Balinese, one day when you have  a chance to visit Bali, you will still be able to see Balinese traditions and customs especially its traditional musics. And of course you will help preserving its culture and helping Balinese young generations to preserve its own culture.

Risks & Challenges

Balinese Traditional Music is something that is hard to take care. We will need to eventually spend money for maintenance as well as to perhaps hire professional to help us doing that.

Other Ways You Can Help

If you think you will not be able to help us with this campaign, but you are still interested to know more about LCF please feel free to visit our website at LittleCircleFoundation.org, or our FB Page (https://www.facebook.com/littlecirclefoundation) or just write to us to LittleCircleFoundation(at)gmail(dot)com.

SUPPORT US HERE: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/keeping-balinese-traditional-music-alive/x/8966504

Pelatihan Siswa

By On 5:44 PM
Pelatihan siswa/i merupakan salah satu tujuan utama dari pendirian Little Circle Foundation. 
Program pelatihan ini dilaksanakan dengan format program LCF Mengajar. LCF Mengajar pada umumnya dilakukan selama 3 bulan secara intensif di tempat yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya. Sejauh ini sudah dua kabupaten yang menjadi target pengadaan kegiatan LCF Mengajar, yaitu di kabupaten Karangasem dan kabupaten Klungkung di Bali.
